"The blank canvas consumes me, and I quiver at its ferocity. There is nowt so similarly terrifying." - Augustus Sterling
Dear reader, thank you for existing. Have a song:
Bearsuit - Hei Joska, Hei Jokkunen
Readers should note that all mp3s featured are for evaluation purposes only, please endeavour to research, support and love all artists you can. If you are the artist in question and feel irked, or if you just fancy a word about anything, please get in touch: tabdrinkink74[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk
Readers should note that all mp3s featured are for evaluation purposes only, please endeavour to research, support and love all artists you can. If you are the artist in question and feel irked, or if you just fancy a word about anything, please get in touch: tabdrinkink74[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk
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