The second ever Hey Charlie! post is tonight being celebrated with the consumption of Crawford's Bourbon Creams.
i should maybe have mentioned in Our Virgin Post that whenever i make a compilation, dj set or similar i have, for a good few years now, started with a People Like Us track which, given its full title from the Another Kind of Humor/Another Kind of Murder split LP with Abraxas, is called 'Sing With Melodious Inarticulate Sound And Frequent Changes Between Falsetto And Normal Voice In The Manner Of Swiss And Tyrolean Mountain-Dwellers...Please'. i was instead going to draw your attention to the track OB & Cha Cha, as it reminds me of a film my friend made near the end of last year that at one point involves me putting on a white boiler suit, painting my hair with a brush and green paint and then collapsing. Then, having noted her recent additions to her site, i was going to point out her remix of 4:33 by John Cage, particularly as i gave a presentation about the very same piece last Thursday to a group of students who plainly weren't interested and, perhaps justifiably, didn't find my accompanying projection of completely blank OHP acetates remotely amusing. But, as Vicki Bennett is a firm believer in the power of profit through free distribution, i thought i'd just post a link to her exhaustive list of downloads which covers pretty much her complete discography and lasts well over 24 hours. i say 'pretty much' because i'm still unable to find the track she made for the 1999 Work & Leisure International commission in Manchester. Ah well, someday.

The (almost) entire People Like Us back catalogue.
Letting the circle be unbroken though, or rather granting the triangle the three sides it requires, the next release in the People Like Us schedule is a collaboration with one Ergo Phizmiz. Yesterday in the post i received a lovely parcel from Peter & Sarah Nelson which included the new Phizmiz album on WOMB Records which appears to be a collection of choice cuts from 2001 to 2006. i’ve not heard it yet, but rifling through a few seedees this afternoon i came across another Ergo composition i already had on one of The Wire’s free Tapper covermounts. Listening to this again, i’m pretty certain that WOMB must be the sort of place they only let members of the magic circle into.

Ergo Phizmiz – Sticky White Glue (extract): Rectify
Also in the package though was a lovely couple of releases from Listen With Sarah herself that recently ‘dropped’ from Cherryade Records. So lovely are the people of Cherryade that they included some jelly cherries in a miniature pick n’ mix bag with the parcel. One thing i found particularly intriguing/unnerving is the cover of the most recent LWS EP, The World Of Listen With Sarah. Because, as pictured above, it depicts Sarah sat at an organ belting out her hits; only, it is a doctored interpretation of a record cover that, as a cack-handed volunteer for a fairly esteemed second-hand record shop, i’ve had the pleasure of staring at on many an occasion. Yes, i’ve even been known to play the recordings of said Blackpool-based Wurlitzer demon Reginald Dixon to unsuspecting members of the public on rainy Saturday afternoons, particularly The World Of Reginald Dixon as it opens with a triumphant and quintessential rendition of ‘I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside’. The World Of Listen With Sarah, however, opens with her rendition of Lemon Jelly’s ‘Ramblin’ Man’, only replacing the original narrator with one Andy Kershaw.

Listen With Sarah – Ramblin’ Andy
That’s all to be getting on with for now really, except to point out that today’s title is indeed a reference to the rather outstanding new Los Campesinos! single that you can still download for no pennies if you click on the link sixteen words previously. What a nice group of young artists they are.
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